Trinity Lutheran School – Delray Beach, FL

LEADERBOARD for Grades K-5


Class Teacher Points Level
Grade K Mrs. Loewe 70 PROTECTED
Grade K Ms. Fernquist 86 COMMANDED

Class Teacher Points Level
Grade 1 Mrs. Kern 81 ELECTED
Grade 1 Miss. Hunter 10 ready!

Class Teachers Points Level
Grade 2 Ms. Lepeshchenko 91 COMMANDED
Grade 2 Mrs. Santini 38 called

Class Teacher Points Level
Grade 3 Miss. Dippel 2,495 ACHIEVER
Grade 3 Miss. Collins 2,590 CONTENDER

Class Teacher Points Level
Grade 4 Mrs. Rittierodt 9,985 HERO

Class Teacher Points Level
Grade 5 Miss. MacPhee 10,001 CHAMPION


You did it! You worked as a team, you reached the top, and you are armed as champions in the Lord.

Now, get ready and go forth with God’s Holy Word to LIVE for Him and change the world for Christ.

Blessings to you from our family here at Bible REPLAY Curriculum!