Learning Review Weeks 1–2 (GDC)

Learning Review Procedure: Teachers facilitate discussion and ask for student participation on Core Bible Stories, Weekly Bible Verses, and songs. Choose students to answer verbally in class. No writing is required, except for notes taken on the lyrics pages. Discussion is designed so that students increase long-term memory of the main ideas and hide God’s Word in their hearts!


Weeks 1 and 2 Core Bible Story  (10 minutes)

Read John 1:35-51 — Jesus Calls His First Disciples

Before reading the Core Bible Story, prompt students that they will need to listen carefully and will respond verbally to the upcoming questions. Teacher reads Parts I and II of the Core Bible Story then leads students to summarize how Jesus called his first disciples. Ask your students the following questions:
1) What did John tell the disciples about Jesus? How did the disciples respond?
2) What does Andrew do immediately after he meets Jesus?
3) Next, Jesus finds Philip and tells him to “Follow me.” How does Philip respond?
4) How does Nathanael respond?
5) What does Jesus say and do to convince Nathanael that he is the Son of God?
6) How does Nathanael respond?
7) How does Jesus respond?

1) John the Baptist see Jesus and tells the disciples that he is the “Lamb of God.” The disciples immediately believe Jesus is the son of God and they follow him and spend the day with him. They realize he is no ordinary man.
2) Andrew quickly goes to find his brother Simon Peter and tells him, “We have found the Messiah.”
3) Philip tells Nathanael about Jesus.
4) Nathanael responds that he doesn’t think anything good would come out of Nazaraeth.
5) When Jesus sees Nathanael, Jesus shows Nathanael that he knows him and saw that he was under the fig tree when Philip called him.
6) An ordinary man wouldn’t know this, so Nathanael believes and declares “Rabbi, you are the Son of God.”
7) Jesus replies that you will see greater things than that…you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”


Week 1 Bible Passage  (5 minutes)

Revelation 21:3a, 4

Ask a student to read the Bible passage from page 100 and then to close their workbook. Discuss: What is the main idea of the passage?

In heaven, God lives among His people where the old ways of life have become new and eternal.

Choose one student to recite the passage from memory (may get help from classmates).
— or —
Students partner up and quiz each other on the passage. After a few minutes, choose one student to recite the passage to the class from memory.

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men….He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”


Week 1 Scripture Song  (5 minutes)

“God City” (Revelation 21:3a, 4)

Play the song in class. (CLICK HERE to open your Media Player)
Students turn to the Song Lyrics on page 101 of their Student Workbooks. While listening to the song, students write down their insights and make personal connections on the lyrics page (circle key words, underline action steps, write out what God is teaching them to do, rewrite main ideas in their own words, etc.).
Discuss: How does the song reflect the meaning of the passage?

We call the Holy City “God City” because God will be there living among His creation. In heaven, believers will actually be with God. In heaven there will be no more death, crying, or pain. In heaven, the old way of life will have passed away and everything will be new.


Week 1 Motto  (5 minutes)

“God City” (Revelation 21:3a, 4)

Note: Project this section of your Learning Review page (the Motto Buster Video) for your class to view and hear.

Play the Motto Buster Video in class to see who can guess the hidden motto first. Pause the video when students raise their hand to indicate they have solved the motto. Student states the motto out loud. If correct, student writes the motto on the board as the teacher facilitates discussion on the meaning of the motto.

For the old order of things has passed away

Application: We know that in heaven, the old way of life will be gone and everything in heaven is new. We will NOT experience death, mourning, crying, or pain in heaven. How is this an encouragement to you?

Once we are in heaven, we will be in the presence of the living God, and we will not have to deal with pain, suffering, or death. This is encouraging to know that the trials we face here on earth are only temporary. As believers, we get to live eternally with the Lord. We can also be comforted to know that our loved ones who were believers, are with God right now. To be absent from the body is present with the Lord.


Week 2 Bible Passage  (5 minutes)

Psalm 89:5–6a, 7

Ask a student to read the Bible passage from page 107 and then to close their workbook. Discuss: What is the main idea of the passage?

The saints and angels in heaven praise the wonders of God, who is more awesome than all who surround Him.

Choose one student to recite the passage from memory (may get help from classmates).
— or —
Students partner up and quiz each other on the passage. After a few minutes, choose one student to recite the passage to the class from memory.

The heavens praise your wonders, O Lord, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones. For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord? …In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him.


Week 2 Scripture Song  (5 minutes)

“All Around the Throne” (Psalm 89:5–6a, 7)

Play the song in class. (CLICK HERE to open your Media Player)
Students turn to the Song Lyrics on page 108 of their Student Workbooks. While listening to the song, students write down their insights and make personal connections on the lyrics page (circle key words, underline action steps, write out what God is teaching them to do, rewrite main ideas in their own words, etc.).
Discuss: How does the song reflect the meaning of the passage?

God is surrounded by the praise of those who love Him. We praise God for His wonder and His faithfulness. God is more awesome than all who surround Him.


Week 2 Motto  (5 minutes)

“All Around the Throne” (Psalm 89:5–6a, 7)

Note: Project this section of your Learning Review page (the Motto Buster Video) for your class to view and hear.

Play the Motto Buster Video in class to see who can guess the hidden motto first. Pause the video when students raise their hand to indicate they have solved the motto. Student states the motto out loud. If correct, student writes the motto on the board as the teacher facilitates discussion on the meaning of the motto.

He is more awesome than all who surround him

Application: How can knowing that God is more awesome than all who surround Him affect us in our daily lives?

God is so great! In heaven and on earth, no one can compare with the Lord. This prompts me to praise his wonders and reflect back to Him all that he is. God is more awesome than we can even understand. When we focus on the awesomeness of God, we remember that he is in control of everything. We will have peace in our lives as we look to Him,
rather than worrying about things in our own lives.